Taking or considering the GRE Exam or graduate school? You’ll love our short, approachable, and insightful episodes about the GRE Exam and graduate school admissions. This podcast is hosted by Tyler York, co-founder and CEO of Achievable, a modern test prep platform for the GRE exam. You can try it for free at https://achievable.me/ , and the course is only $199 to purchase.

Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
How to build a GRE study plan
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
In this episode, Vince Kotchian, founder of Vince Kotchian Test Prep, author of a major GRE prep book, and creator of multiple GRE apps, draws from his wealth of experience to share how he advises students build a GRE study plan. He shares how he breaks it into three layers, explains how to create your study plan according to your own knowledge and weaknesses, and how long you should expect to need to study for. We go in depth with a lot of detail, giving actionable advice at each step.
Achievable is a modern test prep platform for the GRE exam - visit https://achievable.me