Taking or considering the GRE Exam or graduate school? You’ll love our short, approachable, and insightful episodes about the GRE Exam and graduate school admissions. This podcast is hosted by Tyler York, co-founder and CEO of Achievable, a modern test prep platform for the GRE exam. You can try it for free at https://achievable.me/ , and the course is only $199 to purchase.
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Overcoming imposter syndrome: how to get into top MBA programs as a "normal" person
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
You always hear crazy examples of how someone started a new nonprofit on their way to attending HBS. But what if you're not a crazy standout story - can you still get in? Oren Margolis is the founder of Pinetree & Palm Consulting, which he started after spending 6 years working in admissions at NYU and NYU Stern. In this episode, Oren shares his disdain for a lot of modern MBA admissions advice that focuses on these exceptional applicants, and instead shares his advice for getting into top MBA programs as a "normal" person.
Achievable's GRE prep course uses AI-powered adaptive learning to target your weak areas and boost your score - visit https://achievable.me/exams/gre/overview/?utm_source=podcast to try it for free.